Grant Mahan

Traditional Art Education

Beginner Painting - Winthrop University

Final Project

Kelsey Nethken

Link: Beginner Painting - Final Painting Project

Night Paintings

Thomas Pach

Link: Night Paintings

Complementary Color Still Life

Student Work

Link: Still Life Assignment and Documentation

High School Art Ed:

3 Minute Paper Assignment


Link: 3 Minute Paper Assignment

Lexicon Assignment


Link: Lexicon Assignment

Gallery Dioramas


Link: Gallery Diorama

Grays and Boxes


Link: Grays and Boxes Assignment

Wearable Slides


Link: Wearable Slides Assignment

Aesthetic Inventory

Link: Aesthetic Inventory Assignment

Art Telephone


Link: Art Telephone Assignment

Foundations Drawing - Rhode Island School of Design

Final Assignment

Leah Merchant (2017)

Drawing course final project by Leah Merchant. The assignment was open ended with the material of charcoal. Students were encouraged to further challenge their knowledge of figure drawing after a heavy emphasis on the figure throughout the semester.

Self Portraits


This self portrait assignment requires students to create self portraits without a mirror. Students having to draw themselves with an inability to see their faces challenging their image of self. This assignment also challenges typical views of perspective. Scale is pushed through the practice of gluing paper when needed to expand the drawing surface.

York County Arts Council

Painting Abstractly Through Color Theory


"Painting Abstractly Through Color Theory" was a community art class at the York County Arts Council. The goal of this short course was to teach abstraction through a basic understanding of the color wheel, as well as the practice of minimalism and maximalism. The course started with a brief presentation.

Link: Painting Abstractly Through Color Theory Presentation

The School of the Alternative - Proposed Curriculum


This is the simplified proposal for a course to be taught at the School of the Alternative in Black Mountain, NC. This course is inspired by "Drawing Marathon" taught by Gwen Strahle at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Link: Non-Ocular Drawing Proposal